José Rafael García Fernández

Hi! Welcome to my little spot on the internet.I am an aspiring full stack web developer. I am civil engineer by profession but I fell in love with the tech industry in my college years.Despite a love developing from both Frontend and Backend I fill more comfortable with Backend tecnologies which I'm learning like Django,Flask and Laravel.

A little about me

I'm José Rafael García(my friends call me Rafa).I'm currently living in Mexico but I'm from Cuba. I am an aspiring programmer specialized in Web Development(Backend heavy).I'm always trying new things and tools like this page developed in Astro. While working on projects I usually use Laravel or Django with their currents ORMs for the management of the databases like Eloquent and the built-in Django ORM. For the Frontend I usually use Vue and some React and for CSS I use frameworks like Tailwind CSS.

My hobies are reading 📖 , videogames 🎮, and all the things related to the tech world and programming like algorithms and optimization problems